On Monday night, the Baltimore County Council will vote on my resolution to modify Downtown Towsonthe county’s open space fees.

My constituents universally agree that if developers in Downtown Towson cannot meet the county’s open space requirements, they should pay some amount to provide open space or other amenities near their projects.

Monday night’s resolution boosts the open space funding from pending projects in the Towson area, from $145,000 to more than $2 million, depending on the amount of open space internalized in projects.

I would like to thank the Green Towson Alliance, the Towson Recreation Council, and the Greater Towson Council of Community Associations for their support of this initiative.  This has been a difficult and complex process, but well worth the effort we have expended over the past year.

Already, we are seeing what happens when we demand better projects and support for more green space.  The Flats, a 105-unit project at York Road and Washington Avenue, will pay $145,000 in additional open space funding.   This project will look better because it needed to be evaluated by the Baltimore County Design Review Panel, which was required through County Council legislation earlier this year.

I would like to thank the County Executive for his support of projects such as the Carver and Towson High School turf fields, for his commitment to Patriot Plaza and the purchase of a park site at the Radebaugh property as announced on June 12th.   The additional open space funding will certainly help as we work to make Towson greener.