This is the fourth time I have appeared on the ballot in a general election for the County Council.   There has never been a sharper difference between the two candidates in a race for the Fifth District.

In previous elections, I have had opponents who were highly qualified, fairly moderate, and who would have been capable County Councilmembers.   In 2022, I face an opponent with minimal connections to the Fifth District, and little record of building relationships to get things done in our communities.

While I have worked across the partisan divide to advance new schools, parks, and transportation improvements, my opponent is a partisan activist who has attacked Republicans as chair of the Baltimore County Democratic Party.  Even now, she is running on a coordinated campaign to defeat Republicans up and down the ballot.

The new Fifth District requires bipartisan leadership to guide thoughtful new development, preserve land from Kingsville to Middle River, and make our neighborhoods safer and stronger.  That’s what I offer.

Thank you for your support in this critically-important election.