by David Marks | Dec 24, 2018 | 101 York, budget, Carney, Circle East, crime, Downtown Perry Hall, Downtown Towson, Hogan, infrastructure, Joppa Road, Joppa View, Kingsville, Loch Raven, open space, Perry Hall, Perry Hall Square, Radebaugh Park, school overcrowding, Towson, Towson Row, transportation
We have much to look forward to in the Fifth County Council district this year, with improvements planned from Towson to Kingsville – but the adoption of the new budget will be a big challenge. How we deal with the budget will determine the extent to which we...
by David Marks | Oct 8, 2016 | Southland Hills, Towson University, transportation
Baltimore County’s Department of Public Works has some of the finest public servants I have met in two decades of working at every level of government. That includes the public works directors I have served with while on the County Council, Ed Adams and Steve...