On December 16, the Baltimore County Council passed a package of changes that affect how the county handles animals and deals with those suspected of mistreating animals. The legislation modifies the way the Animal Hearing Board handles complaints, and tries to help the county recover the cost of caring for animals that are seized by requiring the animal owner to pre-pay boarding costs.

Under an amendment I sponsored, the penalty for an animal cruelty fine will increase from $100 to $250 per day for each occurrence of animal cruelty.    The bill also increases the fines for owners of dangerous animals from $500 to $1,000.

I would like to thank my colleagues for supporting an increase in the animal cruelty fine.  We sometimes deal with barbaric cases of animal cruelty, and need to send a clear message that those incidents will be punished appropriately.

Subsequent amendments addressed conditions at the Baltimore County animal shelter and required the county to maintain a volunteer program.