After Hurricane Irene, county employees were rightfully focused on restoring power and removing debris from our communities. Many schools were closed for up to a week due to power problems, even though the athletic fields were free of debris.
The Board of Education currently has a rule in which athletic fields are automatically closed during an unplanned, emergency school closure. In the days after Hurricane Irene, recreation councils could not use the fields at many schools even though they were free of debris. This problem was brought to my attention by a coach with the Perry Hall Recreation Council.
All seven members of the Baltimore County Council have written to Superintendent Joe Hairston asking that the rule be adjusted. If there are public safety concerns, we understand the importance of the rule. Local supervisors should still have discretion. A blanket prohibition against using athletic fields, however, is not fair to all of our families who pay taxes to use these facilities.
I represent some of the largest and most active recreation councils in Baltimore County, including the Perry Hall, Greater Loch Raven, Parkville, Towson, and White Marsh Recreation Councils. A rule adjustment could benefit thousands of Baltimore County families.