Last December, a 15-year-old dog named Oscar died at his Arbutus home, the result of what his owner claimed to be old age–but what neighbors and animal advocates alleged was exposure to the extreme cold.  According to the Baltimore Sun, there were 15 complaints in Baltimore County’s database about dogs at this location being left outside.  The cases were all mark “closed.”

Oscar’s death sparked justifiable outrage.  Baltimore County has made progress in some areas of animal welfare, such as the new shelter and a renewed focus on adoption, but the death of Oscar demonstrates that we must do better in deterring cruelty and abuse.

Councilman Tom Quirk and I have introduced legislation that will move the animal abuse unit to the Baltimore County Police Department.  The bill will codify standards for when pets must be brought inside, while retaining some level of discretion for certain animal breeds.

I would like to thank the animal advocates who worked with us on this legislation, especially Joy Freedman, Darla Feeheley, and Julianne Zimmer.  State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger also provided valuable insight.  The bill will be introduced on March 19th.