On Tuesday, March 20, the Baltimore County Planning Board will consider testimony on rezoning issues in the Fifth District. The hearing starts at 7 p.m. at Perry Hall High School. Anyone who wishes to speak may sign up at 6 p.m.

The Fifth District which I represent stretches from Charles Street to the Harford County line. While the Planning Board hearing is in Perry Hall, there will be a separate meeting at the Historic Courthouse on Monday, June 4 at 7 p.m. for those who cannot attend on Monday.

I will not attend Monday night’s hearing. The Planning Board is an independent body and will make its own recommendations on the rezoning issues in each County Council district.

In preparing testimony, I recommend you identify the rezoning issue by number and succinctly summarize your thoughts. A list of all the rezoning issues in the Fifth District can be found here.

There are 59 rezoning issues in the Fifth District. Private propertyowners and community associations have raised half of them, and I raised the rest because I want a dialogue about the future of development in the Fifth District. I am concerned about the county’s ability to pay for roads, schools, and other infrastructure, and I want to make sure we have the right level of growth for our communities.