I would like to thank those public safety and utility workers who have spent the weekend cleaning up from Friday night’s storms.   We are dealing with record-breaking heat, and while the weather is difficult for those without air conditioning, it is even more challenging for those who must work outside repairing power lines and cleaning up debris.

As of 2:30 p.m. Sunday, BGE had restored power to about 106,000 Baltimore Countians. There are still roughly 80,000 without power.  In the Fifth District, the hardest-hit areas are west of Perring Parkway, although I am getting reports of electricity slowly being restored to Towson both east and west of York Road.   Power has been restored to West Towson west of York Road, for example, and Burkleigh Square, Cromwell Valley east of Providence Road, and the Stevenson Lane area in the east.  

To report downed power lines or outages, call (877) 778-2222.  To report downed trees blocking roads, contact the county at (410) 887-5210.

For those without power, the Bykota Senior Center in West Towson is available as a cooling site.  Additionally, the Y of Central Maryland has very generously opened their facilities for showers to non-members.  The Y has centers in Towson off Chesapeake Avenue; in Parkville at the North Plaza Shopping Center; and in Perry Hall at the Perry Hall Square Shopping Center.   Regular weekday hours are 5:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Sunday, the Y is open until 7 p.m.   The Brick Bodies fitness centers have extended the same offer for shower use. 

Finally, I urge you to check out Baltimore County’s emergency information page.   You can follow updates on Twitter:  www.twitter.com/BACOemergency.